The AAU USA International Collegiate Baseball Team is a premier international collegiate summer team. The roster includes players ages 18-23.
The experience offers high-level baseball and cultural exposure to the world ... at the same time.
Where Will the Team Play in 2018?
July 10-15, 2018
Ireland & Scotland
Interested in Being Recruited?
All interested players must apply through Mike Graham. The application process requires being evaluated by the team's coaching staff and cross checked with references.
Ages 18-23
Must turn 18 and may not turn 24 before December 31, 2017
Positions Include: 4 OF, 3 MI, 3 IB/3B, 2 C, 6-8 PO
Current Player Commitments from: Maryland, Virginia, Florida, California
Contact Mike Graham for more info: 202-360-0057,